Corporate Worship Saved My Marriage

Corporate worship is one of the best remedies for our sin-sick souls. Without fail, trials and troubles renew every week. Big or small, they draw our gaze away from Jesus and distract us from God’s amazing mercy and grace. Instead of resting in the gospel, we frantically look elsewhere for help.

But every Sunday morning is an opportunity for God to revive you from the week’s stupor. As you proclaim his goodness and mercy with dear brothers and sisters, God will melt your heart again. He will strike down your pride with the gospel, but he won’t leave you down. In his mercy, he’ll pick you up and give you strength for the week ahead.

You’ll have to battle hard to keep your eyes on Jesus. But with the fuel of corporate worship in your tank and the habits of grace to top you off every day, you can face whatever comes your way in the strength God supplies.

This clip is from an extended interview with C.J. Mahaney and John Piper that took place during the 2016 Sovereign Grace Churches Pastors Conference.