Pray for the Pearsons

Mitch and Mary Pearson are very precious to us. They are long-time members of Bethlehem Baptist, a church they have served in countless ways. And Mitch has served on the DG Board of Directors for the past 10 years.

In January 2009, Mary was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. They have been waging war on the disease ever since with chemo, bone marrow transplants, drugs, and lots and lots of prayer. The battle has gone back and forth. Mary’s medical team doubted she would survive to see 2010. But the Lord sustained her.

The most remarkable thing, though, is how Mitch and Mary have refused to waste this cancer. Their CaringBridge posts in particular have been full of faith and grace. Reading their updates is like flying into the eye of a hurricane. In the midst of a raging storm they deeply trust and unashamedly proclaim the sovereignty of God who they know is pursuing them with goodness in mercy (Psalm 23:6), even now.  And their hope is clearly rooted in the promise that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8), and in the resurrection of the dead (1 Corinthians 15:42-44). Their faith displays Jesus as glorious.

Would you pray with us? Recently, leukemic cells have reappeared in Mary’s bone marrow. Pray for sustained faith, pray for the regeneration of unbelieving medical staff, family, and friends, pray for the wider encouragement of the saints.

And pray that the Lord will heal Mary. Death is an enemy. It’s true that we saints will temporarily succumb to it until Jesus returns. But we won’t make peace with death. Its days are numbered. Jesus removed its sting. On our way to be with him, we kick death in its toothless mouth. We only surrender to Jesus.

And pray for Mitch’s and Mary’s children: Phillip 22, Emily 19, Cassie 17, and Janelle 12.

Thank you.

(@Bloom_Jon) was a cofounder of Desiring God, wrote more than 750 articles, and continues to serve as a board member.