It Will Happen by Prayer
An announcement about our Saturday night services will appear in several papers this next week. But a work of God does not happen by advertising. “The Lord works for those who wait for him.” It will happen by prayer. Pray urgently, 1) that a significant number of our own people will make this their regular service of worship; 2) that people without a church home will feel drawn to come; and 3) that God would make the service an occasion for his regenerating work.
In addition to the 7:15 service, Steve Roy and Tom Steller will be teaching electives at 6:00 PM for all interested adults. (Steve on “Faith and Its Heroes: A Study of Hebrews 11” and Tom on “The Epistle of James.”) There will be childcare through the evening for children up through four years old.
This is exciting! It was March, 1981, when we started the second Sunday morning service. The single service looked in those days like the 11:00 service looks now—crowded. The difference is that now there is an 8:30 service with 350 people in it besides the 11:00 service. May the Lord do for the Saturday service what he was pleased to do for the “new” 8:30 service in 1981! It took time. I remember many small 8:30 crowds!
Praying patiently with you,
Pastor John