Race and the Horrific Frequency of Abortion

Article by

Founder & Teacher, Desiring God

Tucked away near the bottom, and easily out of sight, is one of the compounded tragedies of abortion. The profoundly disproportionate number of black babies being aborted.

Every child is created in God's image and is knit together by him in the womb. Every child, of every race, is God's design and gift (Psalm 139:13). None should be killed.

And when there are historic and contemporary evidences that certain minorities are targeted by the abortion industry, the loss is compounded by the lurking sin of racism.

Let these numbers (these persons, these babies) sink in. Then do the research for your own state or vicinity.

With thanks for the significant work of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, here are the statistics on abortion in Minnesota for 2010.

11,505 abortions were performed — an average of more than 33 every single day.

  • 34% of the abortions were paid for with taxpayer funds.

  • 35% of the abortions were performed by Planned Parenthood — more than any other provider.

  • 21% of the abortions used the dangerous and sometimes lethal RU486 abortion drug.
  • 4% of the abortions were performed on women under age 18.

  • 43% of the abortions were performed on women ages 18 to 24.

Abortion as birth control:

  • 42% of the women reported that they had at least one previous abortion.
  • 881 of the women reported that they had three or more previous abortions.
  • 16 of the women reported that they had nine or more previous abortions.

Abortion complications:

  • 22 complications were reported by women at the time of the abortion, including cervical laceration and hemorrhage.
  • 142 complications have been reported by women after leaving the abortion provider, including hemorrhage, infection requiring hospitalization and incomplete abortion.

Reasons given for abortions:

  • 32% of the women reported "Economic reasons."

  • 63% of the women reported "Does not want children at this time."

  • Less than 1% of the women reported that the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest.

Minnesota abortions show racial disparity (2009 Data)

If this "hidden" statistic grips you enough that you want to connect with others who share the concern, here are a few websites and resources to make the connections: